Caucus Jan 04, 2017

JANUARY 4, 2017 @ 7:00 P.M.


There were 13 electors present at the caucus.

Chairman Johnson called the caucus to order.

Chairman Johnson nominated John Luebke to act as chairman of the caucus; nomination was 2nd by Ron Flegner.

Chairman Johnson nominated Billie Jo Herbst and Susan Schwartz to serve as tabulators if needed. The nomination was 2nd by John Meyerhofer.

Caucus Chairman John Luebke opened nominations for Town Chairman. John Meyerhofer nominated Martin Johnson for Town Chairman; the nomination was 2nd by Mike Herbst. Chairman Luebke called for any more nominations for Town Chairman 3 times, there none. Nominations for Town Chairman were closed.

Caucus Chairman John Luebke opened nominations for Town Supervisors. Kay Flegner nominated Ron Flegner for Supervisor; the nomination was 2nd by Martin Johnson. Ron Flegner nominated John Meyerhofer for Town Supervisor; the nomination was 2nd by Dave Gutche. Chairman Luebke called for any more nominations for Town Supervisors 3 times, there none. Nominations for Town Supervisors were closed

Caucus Chairman John Luebke opened nominations for Town Treasurer. Billie Jo Herbst nominated Trina Herbst-Gutche for Town Treasurer; the nomination was 2nd by Alyssia Herbst. Chairman Luebke called for any more nominations for Town Treasurer 3 times, there none. Nominations for Town Treasurer were closed

Caucus Chairman John Luebke opened nominations for Town Clerk. Ron Flegner nominated Julia Reinert for Town Clerk; the nomination was 2nd by John Meyerhofer. Chairman Luebke called for any more nominations for Town Clerk 3 times, there none. Nominations for Town Clerk were closed.

This ended the caucus.